Thursday, September 07, 2006

Ummm...Isn't that Unconstitutional?

Rep. Curt Weldon (R-PA) says it's time to stop listening to Rumsfeld and Bush on military matters pertaining to Iraq:
In an interview, Weldon said his resolution “clearly says that the decision will be made by the commanding generals in the theater [of war]. They’re the ones we’re paying to do the job. They know what the criteria are, they’re the best to assess the readiness of the Iraqi brigades.”

“They determine the timetable for bringing the troops back home,” said Weldon of the commanders. “There’s no armchair politician back here making those decisions, whether it’s an elected member of Congress or even the secretary of the defense.”
I suppose that's one way to go, but as Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) notes, this amounts to “doing away with civilian control of the military.”

Hat Tip: Mike Crowley

Posted by Kingston


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