Monday, September 04, 2006

Sistansi says "I'm Done"

I think Peter has got it about right in noting that the capture of Abu Humam is unlikely to do anything to halt the violence consuming Iraq. Yet the biggest news of the weekend might be Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani's announcement that he will no longer try to keep Iraq from completely tearing itself apart. According to the Daily Telegraph:
The most influential moderate Shia leader in Iraq has abandoned attempts to restrain his followers, admitting that there is nothing he can do to prevent the country sliding towards civil war.

Aides say Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani is angry and disappointed that Shias are ignoring his calls for calm and are switching their allegiance in their thousands to more militant groups which promise protection from Sunni violence and revenge for attacks.

"I will not be a political leader any more," he told aides. "I am only happy to receive questions about religious matters."
This is bad news, particularly because Sistani has been such a moderating influence on the Iraqi Shia. If Sistani has thrown in the towel, is there any hope left for Iraq?

Posted by Kingston


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