Friday, September 01, 2006

Texas and Water

I survived Texas, but came away with a few, sometimes related observations:

1) I have never seen so many fat people in one place
2) They have the best Mexican food I have ever tasted
3) They have miraculously built a civlization in the desert
4) I did not see green grass during my entire visit

I was particularly shocked by the lack of water in Texas. I looked out the window when landing and saw cities surrounded by death. How do millions of people live where only reptiles have survived before? I found the answer in a book by Marc Reisner, called Cadillac Desert. The answer is both amazing and revolting. Mr. Reisner describes the greed, intrigue, theft and government subsidies, which have allowed the west to flourish, often with stolen water.

Texas, a state in which most people deplore government handouts, has benefitted from billions of dollars in water projects, which keep them alive. Here's to hypocrisy.


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