Saturday, February 03, 2007

Iraq Chaos

More grim news from Iraq today as a suicide truck bomber slaughtered more than 100 people in a Shiite area of Baghdad. How should this news be interpreted? One would expect most rational people to come to the conclusion that the inability of US/Iraqi forces to protect ordinary Iraqis from being regularly blown up on the streets of Baghdad nearly four years after the toppling of Saddam suggests that our mission is failing rather than succeeding. Not so says Powerline. Paul Mirengoff has frequently argued that things in Iraq are not nearly as bad as the Democrats and mainstream media make them out to be (see here). Unfortunately, mass casualty terrorist attacks like the one that occurred today in Baghdad "help persuade Americans that our mission is failing." If only I could take refuge in the world of purposeful obfuscation as comfortably as Powerline. Then I would realize that the problem with all the bad news from Iraq is that it deludes Americans into thinking that we may actually be losing.

Posted by Kingston


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