Thursday, January 11, 2007

In Case We Needed Another Reason ...

Leaks from Maliki's government reveal that the Shiite-led government does not want an American troop increase.

From The New York Times:
[That the US should not increase troop levels] is an opinion that is broadly held among a Shiite political elite that is increasingly impatient, after nearly two years heading the government here, to exercise power without the constraining supervision of the United States. As a long-oppressed majority, the Shiites have a deep-seated fear that the power they won at the polls, after centuries of subjugation by the Sunni minority, will be progressively whittled away as the Americans seek deals with the Sunnis that will help bring American troops home.

We are putting ourselves in the middle of the Iraqi Civil War. The Shiite's don't want us to send more troops, since they now have the upper-hand; moderate Sunni's are asking for more US troops to combat Sadr's Shiite militia. While Bush is correct that millions of Iraqis want peace, there is also a powerful number of people on in the Shiite-led government who want revenge. It is unclear how either staying in Iraq or sending more troops will change that sentiment.

Posted by Peter


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