Monday, November 06, 2006


Can you believe this shit?:
Known as "Prussian Blue" — a nod to their German heritage and bright blue eyes — the girls [thirteen-year-old twins Lamb and Lynx Gaede] from Bakersfield, Calif., have been performing songs about white nationalism before all-white crowds since they were nine.

"We're proud of being white, we want to keep being white," said Lynx. "We want our people to stay white … we don't want to just be, you know, a big muddle. We just want to preserve our race."

Lynx and Lamb have been nurtured on racist beliefs since birth by their mother April. "They need to have the background to understand why certain things are happening," said April, a stay-at-home mom who no longer lives with the twins' father. "I'm going to give them, give them my opinion just like any, any parent would."
Perhaps terrorist threats from abroad aren't the only threats we should be guarding against.

Hat Tip: Fury of the Egg

Posted by Kingston


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe we should be paying more attention to the threat of the lies told by the media. It wouldn't hurt to watch the black and brown crime rates either. Now where someone has the guts to really look for the truth PB starts making sense. Unless of course your on the dark side and need the handouts.

6:40 PM  

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