Wednesday, October 11, 2006


From the AP:
Along the razor-wired no-man's-land separating the divided Koreas, communist troops were more boldly trying to provoke their southern counterparts: spitting across the demarcation line, making throat-slashing hand gestures, flashing their middle finger and trying to talk to the troops, said U.S. Army Maj. Jose DeVarona of Fayetteville, N.C.

What do the communist troops think would happen if South Korea or the US actually decided to attack? Are they cognizant that such a war would likely lead to most of their deaths, not to mention the civilian fatalities in Seoul?

There are a few rational explanations for the soldiers' increased hostilities. One, they are brainwashed into believing that South Korea and the US actually mean them harm. Two, they are not concerned with whether South Korea or the US mean them harm and are simply trained to kill. Or Three, living under a medieval economic system is so miserable that they would prefer the near certainty of death in war to the likelihood of a reunited Korea afterwards.

My guess is that it is somewhere between the first two scenarios. I would be surprised if most soldiers realized the precariousness of their situation.


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