Monday, August 21, 2006


TNR's Spencer Ackerman just spent a week in Dearborn Michigan and here's what he has to say about the impact of the President's usage of the term "Islamfascism" on the psyche of that city's Muslim population:
Last week in the Weekly Standard, the apparent inventor of the phrase, Stephen Schwartz, dismissed those who'd be offended by "Islamofascism" as "primitive Muslims." That should tell you all you need to know about those who use the term. I confess to using it, if ironically, in a recent piece, and here in Dearborn I learned precisely why you and I shouldn't. The people it infuriates aren't primitive. They're the moderate, pro-American, well-integrated Muslims who form one of the greatest bulwarks against Al Qaeda that the U.S. possesses, and they see the term as draining their Americanness away.
Dearborn is of course home to America's "largest and oldest Muslim community in the U.S." Read the whole thing!


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