Thursday, July 20, 2006

Quote of the Day

But Hezbollah garnered the second largest number of electoral seats in the Lebanese parliament, having joined up with Nabih Berri's Amal Party. Hezbollah, in fact, has some 35 seats in a 128-strong parliament, second only to the 72 seats of "Future Tide", Said Hariri's anti-Syrian coalition. How do you just eradicate an entire political party, that enjoys major support from the country's Shi'a population (keeping in mind the Shi'a are the single largest religious sect in Lebanon, representing 30-40% of the population)? And does anyone believe reducing rows of apartment complexes in southern Beirut to heaps of rubble, imposing an air and naval blockade, and pummeling Shi'a towns in the south is the answer to this conundrum? Are the Shi'a of Lebanon going to wake up the day after and say, gosh darnit, Nasrallah is just an out and out sonafabitch, and thanks to the Israelis for getting rid of him? Well of course not.
Gregory Djerejian on the "Jacobin-like" fantasies emanating from the Weekly Standard and NRO. Can anyone seriously maintain that these guys have America's best interests at heart?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work. thnx!

7:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like it! Good job. Go on.

1:46 AM  

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