Thursday, June 22, 2006

More Afghanistan...

I thought this e-mail from one of Andrew Sullivan's readers was worth re-posting here in full:
Every Democrat I know, including me, supports the War on Terror. What many of us do not and did not support is the War on Iraq. These are two separate things. For those of you who chose to believe that we had to wage war against Saddam because of WMDs, or democratizing the region, or "links" to Al Qaida and 9/11, there were an equal number of us who felt that all of those arguments were a sideshow, a distraction, from the REAL war. That war was taking place in Afghanistan and Western Pakistan. How many Democrats have you heard or read about that are "ambivalent" about THAT war? And how do you think we feel now, watching that one - the real one - slip away? I am heartsick that we did not finish the job. It sickens me that Osama has slept soundly since the Spring of 2003. Guess what, he knows we're not coming.
While I'd disagree with the assertion that U.S. troops aren't busting their asses trying to find and kill bin Laden, it's difficult to take issue with much else that's said here.


Blogger PWN said...

Good points.

7:43 AM  

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